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Beautiful Deadly: Betrayal Vol. 2 Page 3

  “I’m sure she was.” She says sarcastically. “So what’s the plan now?”

  “We go to Detroit as we originally planned. The sooner we leave, the better. I see that you packed, but we will have to replace your things when we get there.” Chris tells her. “Where are you coming from?”

  “The police station, I have been there for the past two hours, trying to find a way to save you; feeling guilty that I caused this. Apparently my guilt is unnecessary because instead of calling me, you called her.” she stood up and left the room after saying this, showing no regard for Jessica’s feelings.

  She walks into their bedroom and flops down on the beds. She tried to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come.

  She hears Chris’ footsteps coming behind her. “Alex, what is going on with you? Why are you being so rude?”

  Alex ignores him.

  “You had a problem with me going out to search for Jessica every night and now that the searches will stop, you are still upset. I don’t understand.” He waits for a response, but gets none. “Alex, please tell me what’s wrong.” He says, pleadingly.

  She finally faces him. “I always have to put up with you having issues to sort out. You disappeared on me right after you changed me and just a short while after your return, you disappear every night to go and find a mystery woman who supposedly ran away from you. What am I supposed to think? I don’t want to have to be fighting for your attention all of the time. You are back now, but for how long?”

  “Alex, I am back for good. I feel like I have to protect the both of you because I am the reason that you are now vampires. Can you at least try to understand that? Can you also understand that I love you and want to spend eternity with you?” he tells her, running a finger along her cheek.

  “I will believe you if you leave with me right now. Go out to the living room and tell Jessica goodbye and let us go to Detroit.” She tells him.

  Chris stands up. “Alex, I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “We can leave now to go to Detroit, but Jessica is coming with us. I can’t leave either of you alone again.” He tells her.

  Alex is in rage now. “She has been living by herself all this time. Why do you think you need to be prince charming now and run to her rescue? She is doing quite fine.”

  “Alex, please understand. I cannot leave her alone again. Look at it this way – you will both have somebody to talk to besides me. You can discuss things with her that you wouldn’t discuss with me. You might turn out to be really good friends.”

  “Now you want me to be friends with the woman you are in love with? Hell no!” Alex jumps out of the bed and runs straight out the back door.

  “Alex, what are you talking about? Where are you going?” Chris calls after her. She disappears into the woods and he runs into the living room.

  Chapter Six

  “Jess, you have to come help me. Alex just ran off into the woods and she is angry. We can’t have a replay of what happened last night, we need to get her back here before somebody sees her.” Chris tells Jessica, leading her by the hand to the door. “Are women always this emotional and dramatic?” he adds.

  “Chris, I don’t know Alex, but if she is anything like me, she is still reeling from her transformation. She is confused and doesn’t know what she is going to do with the rest of her life. Seeing her family last night must have made her feel worse.” Jess says, surprising Chris.

  “So you aren’t offended by her comments?”

  Shaking her head, Jess says. “No. I think once she gets through this phase, she and I will be good friends. We have the same spirit. Now, let’s go find her.” she pats him on the shoulder and awaits his instruction.

  “You go to the east of the woods and I’ll go to the west. Make your way to the entrance of the woods because that is the direction she went in. I hope she doesn’t get seen, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to save her this time.”

  They both take off into the woods to find the runaway woman.

  - -

  Alex is running wildly through the woods, once again not paying attention to her surroundings. She hits trees and bushes out of her way as she runs. Pain course through her body, but it isn’t the pain from her physical excursion. It is pain from seeing the man she loves being snatched away from another woman. Am I not enough? Why does he need Jessica to come with us? He is willing to lose me for her and he still doesn’t see that his feelings for her are deeper than friendship or guilt.

  Alex finds herself falling into a deep hole in the ground and a large, metal sheet immediately covers her. Reeling in shock, she realizes that this is a deliberate act, not an accident. Somebody set this trap for her.

  Her unspoken question of who is answered when she sees a man with long, greying hair come to stand at the entrance of the hole. His arrival is too quick to be just a coincidence, and the smirk on his face confirms that he is the one who set the trap.

  “I have been waiting for you for a while little girl.” He says.

  Alex asks. “Who are you and what do you want with me?”

  “I have some questions that only you can answer. I know you can escape from this measly, little trap, so don’t let me stop you.”

  His expression makes Alex believe that he knows that she is a vampire, or maybe he has his suspicions.

  “How can you run so fast? It’s like you just whip through space and it takes a lot of concentration to see you.” He says.

  Alex remains silent. “Oh, sweet-face, I have seen you and that weird looking man of yours talking together, so don’t play dumb with me.” He mocks. “I notice that you only come out at night too and that whenever you come out, I always see dead animals on the floor. So you like boars, eh?”

  Alex is becoming scared of what she can do to this man. Completely against the idea of killing, she has stayed away from human blood. Her boiling anger is close to overflowing and the vein in his neck is swollen and enticing. She ignores his comments and looks at the ground. So easy, so easy it would be too drink up all of that blood and put a stop to this madness. It would be so easy to jump out of this hole and break his neck. No-one would ever have to find his body and there are no witnesses.

  Alex lifts her head and sniffs the air. So delicious and enticing he smells. She places her hand at her throat and stares at his. He notices her actions and for the first time since trapping her, he looks scared. She smiles. “Are you scared?” she asks.

  “Why aren’t you? Any other woman who is captured by a man would be shaking in her boots. Why do you look so confident? Is it because you know I can’t harm you?” his words only sound brave, but the look on his face and his body language give him away. He is scared to the core, but he isn’t going down as a coward.

  He presses a button and an excruciatingly bright light come on and Alex screams out in pain. “Not so big and bad now, are you?” he smirks.

  All of the delicious temptation that Alex was feeling is replaced by the burning sensation of the light on her skin. She feels it penetrating every layer and it feels like it is ripping her apart. She curls up in a ball on the floor and uses her hands to shield her face.

  Her screaming is heard by Jessica, who rushes over to save her. Knowing that she is at risk of being hurt by the light too, Jess stands back, observing the situation. The man has the button in his hand, but there are many bulbs, so she can’t just break it. That will not be quick enough.

  Jessica dashes behind him as discreetly as she can and snatches the button from his hand. Disabling the lights immediately, she quickly places a hand over his nose and keeps in there until he passes out. He struggles against her hand, but she is too powerful for him to push away.

  Jessica looks down on the listless body before her and tries with all of her might to step away. The blood pumping in his veins call out to her like a siren. She ignores Alex’s calls when she realizes what she is about to do.

  Jessica quickly kneels down and run her hand along his neck. Unable to
resist the temptation, she bites down on his neck and drinks his blood, even when Alex cries out to her. She keeps drinking until Alex comes over to her and pull her away. “Stop, Jessica. You will change him. Just let him stay dead.”

  Jess drops back on her heel and licks her lips. “I couldn’t resist him.” She says to Alex.

  “I almost couldn’t either. It’s the lights that stopped me.” Alex says.

  “Am I evil?” Jess asks.

  Alex shakes her head. “No, he was trying to kill me. He would have if he could.” She adds. “Thank you for saving me. I wouldn’t ask it of you, I haven’t really been welcoming.”

  “I know this is just a phase. I was just as angry when I was changed, that’s why I left.”

  “Do you think I will get better?” Alex asks.

  Jessica laughs. “You definitely will. Look at me now.”

  “I have to go now” Alex tells her. “There is no room for me here.”

  She dashes off into the woods, but before she could get far, she hears Jessica say “He loves you, you know. This will crush him.”

  She halts. If Chris and Jessica are in love, then why would she be telling her that he loves her? Wouldn’t she be trying to get her to leave?

  Alex walks over to her. “Does he?” she asks hopefully.

  “I do.” She hears the strong, deep voice say behind her.

  Chris appears before her in a split second and takes her up into his arms. Looking around him, he sees that they both escaped serious danger and he is proud to know that they worked together.

  Turning his attention back to her, he tells her. “Alex, I love you more than I have ever loved. Please be mine. Please stop thinking things about Jess and I, we are all basically family now.”

  Her customary silence commences and Chris worries that she doesn’t believe him. “I love you too.” She says after a long and painful silence.

  Chris kisses her on the lips and it seems to last forever. Their bodies mold together as they reignite the love they share. Sparks fly between them and their kiss is interrupted by Jessica.

  “I hate to interrupt your little reunion, but we have people looking for us and we have to go.” She says.

  Chris motions for them to come with him to the house, but when Jessica hesitates, he looks at her questioningly.

  “Am I welcome to come with you?” she asks Alex.

  Alex walks over to her and places her arms around her shoulder. “You know, I’ve always wanted a sister.”

  They all walk to the house and collect their things, ready to start their new lives in a new state, with their new family.

  The End

  ~ Purchase other books in the series ~

  Beautiful Deadly - Awakening ( Part 1)

  Alex’s fear of spending her life alone immediately escalated when she was faced with the reality of spending eternity alone. She awoke from a long sleep one day to realize that she was a vampire. On a quest to make the most of this unwanted change in her path, Alex found herself falling in love with the very man who took away everything that was real to her – and most importantly, her life. Could he be the only constant and loving person in her life? Or will he just abandon her like the others? Chris felt responsible for Alex because he destroyed her life. He selfishly turned her into something that she didn’t even know existed. He spent everyday teaching her how to live as a vampire. He enjoyed the journey with her, even watching her drink her first cup of delicious blood. They quickly fell in love, but a chance meeting on a hunting expedition caused his guilt to overpower him. Left alone once again, Alex is left to wonder if she was undeserving of love. Not even a vampire was willing to love her. Will Chris leave her forever or will he return to the waiting arms of his beautiful vampire?

  Beautiful Deadly - Synergy ( Part 3)

  Finally in their new home, Chris, Alex and their new live-in companion, Jessica, are adjusting to their new lives. Alex is growing much closer to Jessica and she now understands the dynamic of their relationship. Feeling more secure in the love that she shares with Chris, Alex is happier than she has ever been, even as a human. Jessica’s loneliness causes them to worry, but their concentration is soon placed on more important matters. A group of vampires kidnap the women and faced with the possibility of never seeing them again, Chris begins the race against time to rescue his women.As each second passes, Chris feels them slipping farther away from him. Will he be successful in rescuing the girls from their captors? Or will he lose them forever?

  Beautiful Deadly Bundle

  The typical college co-ed, Alexandra’s life is interrupted when after late night partying and high levels of alcohol, she blacks out in the arms of mysterious man whose voice and touch makes her weak. Alex awakes to find that her body and appearance is different, only for the handsome man to tell her that he is a vampire, and so is she. Hurt and angry, she later accepts his help to get her accustomed to living life as a vampire. They soon fall deep in love, but their love is tested when Alex is kidnapped twice. Her fear of losing her man to another woman also puts their relationship to the test. With danger lurking everywhere, will Chris be able to keep the love of his life safe? Or will he lose her and lose the love that they share?